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The Social media news are ending with classic journalism


Updated: Mar 4, 2024

Estela Nieto


The 2023 News Report of the Reuters institute gives us a deep analysis on the new trends in news journalism. It shows how due to different factors such as wars or structural shifts the audience is relying even more on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, leaving a gap between the publishers and the public.

While this drift is universal it differs depending on country, age, social income… The report reflects statistics of the huge difference between news audiences in north europe, which still rely on direct news platforms, at 60% in Finland, and latin american or asian who are consuming more in Social networks. In Chile more than half of the population reads news on these platforms. 

Q12A. Which, if any, of the following have you used for any purpose in the last week? Base: 18–24s in each country-year in UK, USA, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Australia, Brazil, and Ireland ≈ 2000. Note: No data from Australia or Ireland in 2014.

Moreover, the use of social media for news acknowledgement increases in teenagers and young adults. New generations rely more on Tiktok than on the classic newspapers or more modern news apps. For example, in the UK over 40% of young people use social media as their main source of information. 

This trust on the media platforms not only supposed a problem and danger on Fake news but also on the publishers of the classic newspaper who are threatened with closing and trying to find ways to attract new readers.

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