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France becomes the first country to include abortion in Constitution.


Updated: Mar 6, 2024

Jose Rubio


From now on, abortion is a right recognized in the French Constitution. After the French Senate and National Assembly voted in favor of the amendment, Macron called the representatives to vote in a special gathering at Versailles palace. The amendment to the Constitution that introduces: “the law determines the conditions under which the freedom guaranteed to women to resort to voluntary termination of pregnancy is exercised” was passed with 780 votes. This has become the 25th amendment to France's founding document with a vast majority that has become an example to the world of consensus.

"Senators and deputies approve the ammendment of the Constitution at Versailles".

This change of the constitution comes after the development of this matter in the US, when the Supreme Court removed the right to abortion in 2022. This started a wave of concern among french law-makers and women rights activists "This right (to abortion) has retreated in the United States. And so nothing authorized us to think that France was exempt from this risk," said Laura Slimani, from the Fondation des Femmes rights group.

When prime minister Gabriel Attal opened the session he stated: “We are sending a message to all women: your body belongs to you and no one can decide for you”. Moreover Emmanuel Macron described the move as a “French pride” that has sent a “universal message. 

Following the vote, the Eiffel tower was lightened with the message “my body, my choice”. The streets celebrated the vote with an ovation for stepping forward in women rights and making the country a referent on this matter. 

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